I don't know enough
I was walking my dog, listening to an interview. I don’t even recall the topic, but I heard the words, People struggle and think to themselves, I don’t know enough
I don’t know enough. Words that we have probably all thought of at some point. I don’t know why those words stuck with me but as I thought of them over and over, I realized these same words could have a very different meaning. I thought of it using different voices. The imposter syndrome, very hesitant voice. The plain and simple fact statement voice. The ambitious, motivated, and craving more voice.
In all cases there is never a claim to know more. Only an attitude shift around what to do next. For the imposter-syndrome afflicted voice, this statement borders on surrender. The end of the line and concession to falling short. At the other end of the extreme, for the motivated this statement is a door opening. A realization that there is more opportunity to come and that is exciting.
It’s worth thinking about in challenging moments. What voice are you using? How can you shift your mindset from surrender to seeing it as an exciting opportunity. Take the unexpected viewpoint that a miss can be the start of a win. That falling short was the lesson needed in a series of next steps.